Find Articles

A Guide to Searching Library Resources

A written guide to help explain what tools to use while searching for library resources.

Building eResource Links

Help building individual links that can be added to courses for correct authentication.

Checking for fulltext

This tutorial is intended for researchers who have already found an article that interests them. It walks through ways to find full text versions of the article(s). Subtítulos disponibles en Español.

EBSCO Basic Search in the New EBSCO Interface

This EBSCO tutorial demonstrates how to do a Basic Search.

Finding Articles that Apply to a Theoretical Framework

This video includes strategies useful when using library databases for finding articles that apply to a theoretical framework (2:09). Subtítulos disponibles en Español.

Finding Research Literature

How to find research literature, used by scholars for forming an investigative paper or to provide background for personal research (3:20). Subtítulos disponibles en español.

Finding Scholarly Articles in EBSCO

This tutorial reviews the basics of finding articles (4:33).

Finding a Known Article: FYS

How to find an article from a given citation in EBSCO Databases.

Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar to setup an account to connect with Benner's fulltext and searching tips (2:55 minutes). If you are not seeing use our help page: Google Scholar Configuration Instructions to re-configure your settings.

Google Scholar Configuration Instructions

In order to link Olivet Nazarene University resources from a Google scholar search, follow the steps below. This setup should only have to be done one time per device. After setup, use the Google Scholar link from the library website.

Link Building Help (Open Athens)

There are three types of methods to construct permalinks (purls) from our databases with the Open Athens Authentication System.

Link Generator

Only use the Link Generator when specified. This tool does not work with all of our databases and providers. For specific provider instructions use directory on this page. Go to for more information on specific providers.

Linking to Articles from Library Databases

Help make purls for library resources so that they can be shared to other ONU constituents. There are three different methods in building purls. Find the one that applies and skip to that portion of the video:

Method #1 Use this method if your link is from EBSCO, Proquest, or Gale. Go to 1:20 minutes.

Method#2 Use this method with a regular url that does not have any proxy codes in it. Go to 2:03 minutes

Method#3 Use this method if the article link contains any Open Athens or proxy code in the url. Go to 2:53 minutes.
If you are not sure visit Saving a search using EBSCO

These strategies can be applied in most EBSCO databases.

Searching Library Resources (Primo VE)

Help guides from ExLibris for searching our Library Resources officially known as Primo VE. Subtítulos disponibles en Español.

Using Boolean Operators

Using Boolean Operators and other similar functions for research help (3:28).