Linking to Articles from Library Databases
Video length: 4:05 minutes - Subtítulos disponibles en Español
Help make purls for library resources so that they can be shared to other ONU constituents. There are three different methods in building purls. Find the one that applies and skip to that portion of the video:
Method #1 Use this method if your link is from EBSCO, Proquest, or Gale. Go to 1:20 minutes.
Method#2 Use this method with a regular url that does not have any proxy codes in it. Go to 2:03 minutes
Method#3 Use this method if the article link contains any Open Athens or proxy code in the url. Go to 2:53 minutes.
If you are not sure visit Building eResource LInks. Subtítulos disponibles en Español.
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Content Creator: Ann Johnston
Video Producer: Kent Kinnersley
Video Editor: Kent Kinnersley
Voice Over: Kent Kinnersley
Date Last Revised: 10/06/23