The world's largest academic multi-disciplinary database, Academic Search Premier provides full text for nearly 4,500 journals, including full text for more than 3,600 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for 1,000 titles. This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost. (Some full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
Provides access to more than 130 full text, consumer health magazines. This database also includes searchable full text for more than 1,000 health-related pamphlets and 130 health reference books, and more than 4,500 Clinical Reference Systems reports (in English and Spanish); (Some full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
Features abstracts & indexing for nearly 850 journals (550 are full text and 450 are peer-reviewed) focusing on many medical disciplines. Text dates back to 1975. (Some full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
...provides coverage of biomedicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences and much more. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
Includes two journal collections: Health & Life Sciences College Edition and Physical Sciences College Edition. Both collections contain peer-reviewed full-text scientific, technical and medical content. Some of the articles support interactive elements such as audio, video, graphs, tables and images. Some content on ScienceDirect also features embedded links to external datasets, including earth and environmental science data from PANGAEA, abstract and indexing data from Scopus and chemical reactions data from Reaxys. Also included are pre-publication articles and open access content from Elsevier journals and their society partners. (Some full text)
Service = Elsevier
Comprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals, providing full text for 550 journals indexed in SPORTDiscus. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the SPORTDiscus index - with no embargo. With full-text coverage dating back to 1985, SPORTDiscus with Full Text is the definitive research tool for all areas of sports & sports medicine literature. (Some full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
Publishes the latest research on topics in nutrition, such as obesity, vitamins and minerals, nutrition and disease, and energy metabolism. Its purpose is to publish original research studies relevant to human and clinical nutrition. Well-controlled clinical studies that describe scientific mechanisms, efficacy, and safety of dietary interventions in the context of disease prevention or a health benefit will be considered. Public health and epidemiologic studies relevant to human nutrition, and innovative investigations of nutritional questions that employ epigenetic, genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic approaches are encouraged. Solicited editorials,book reviews, solicited or unsolicited review articles, invited controversy position papers, and letters to the Editor that relate to prior AJCN articles are essential components of the AJCN. All submitted material with scientific content will undergo peer review by the Editors or their designees before acceptance for publication. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = Elsevier
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, founded in 1972, is the official publication of the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. It contains original articles addressed to orthopaedic surgeons specializing in sports medicine, and to team physicians, athletic trainers, and physical therapists focusing on the causes and effects of injury or disease resulting from or affected by athletic injury. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = EBSCOnet (ejournals)
The Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (JCSP) is intended to be a scholarly refereed journal designed to stimulate thought, promote empirical investigation, and disseminate scientifically informed knowledge related to the comprehensive psychological care and overall well-being of athletes, coaches, and sport organizations. Included will be topics relating to psychological health and well-being of athletes and coaches, psychological aspects of athletic performance, as well as issues and concerns that connect physical and psychological functioning. (Full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach (SPH) is a bi-monthly, peer-reviewed journal for primary care physicians, orthopaedic surgeons, physical therapists, athletic trainers and other medical and health care professionals involved in the training and care of the competitive or recreational athlete. SPH publishes review articles, original research articles, case studies, images, short updates, legal briefs, editorials, and letters. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
...multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = EBSCO Ebooks
Login via MyOlivet using ONU credentials and then use the link and credentials on the pdf.
Research-based nutrition information written by authors who are Board Certified as Specialists in Sports Dietetics (CSSDs). (Full text)
Service = Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The authors and contributors of this book have continually sought to incorporate current trends and research to support the foundational concepts of therapeutic exercise on which the student can learn, and the practitioner can grow in their expertise of treating patients. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = Teton Data Systems
incorporates developing trends and research in the therapeutic application of exercise. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = Teton Data Systems
Consisting of 600 entries alphabetically organized across 2 volumes, entries will range in length from 250 to 2,500 words and include theoretical and practical treatment of all aspects of sports science and exercise physiology, kinesiology, and biomechanics. Particular emphasis is placed on such high-interest topics as sports medicine, specifically the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries; and much more. (Full text)
Service = Cengage Learning