The world's largest academic multi-disciplinary database, Academic Search Premier provides full text for nearly 4,500 journals, including full text for more than 3,600 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for 1,000 titles. This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost. (Some full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
The American Chemical Society is the leading publisher of peer-reviewed research journals in the chemical and related sciences, serving scientific communities worldwide. Most of these journals are from 1996 to the present. (Full text)
Service = American Chemical Society
CINAHL Complete includes 3,604 active indexed and abstracted journals. 3,112 of them are peer-reviewed. (Librarian recommended)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
GeoRef, produced by the American Geological Institute, is a comprehensive geosciences database containing over 2.8 million bibliographic records to the geoscience literature of the world. Over 3,500 journals are reviewed for indexing in the GeoRef database as well as books, maps, government reports, conference papers, and theses and dissertations. -- copied from publisher's site (No full text: Citation/abstract only)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
GeoRef In Process, contains unedited records that are still in the process of being indexed prior to their integration in the main GeoRef database. Some of the records originate from older, non-English language literature while other, more current records are simply not yet complete. When the GeoRef indexers complete the editing and indexing of an In Process record, then the record will appear in the main GeoRef file. Because they are unedited, In Process records may lack a few fields or contain minimal data in some fields. This database is intended as a supplement to the main GeoRef database. -- copied from publisher's site (No full text: Citation/abstract only)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 384,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,700 records. (Some full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
An archive of scholarly journal historical issues of high-resolution, scanned images of journal articles as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. The journals archived span many disciplines. JSTOR is not a current issues database so there is a gap, typically from 1 to 5 years, between the most recently published journal issue and the back issues available in JSTOR. (Full text)
Service = JSTOR
MathSciNet® is an electronic publication offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. (No full text: Citation/abstract only)
Service = American Mathematical Society
Includes two journal collections: Health & Life Sciences College Edition and Physical Sciences College Edition. Both collections contain peer-reviewed full-text scientific, technical and medical content. Some of the articles support interactive elements such as audio, video, graphs, tables and images. Some content on ScienceDirect also features embedded links to external datasets, including earth and environmental science data from PANGAEA, abstract and indexing data from Scopus and chemical reactions data from Reaxys. Also included are pre-publication articles and open access content from Elsevier journals and their society partners. (Some full text)
Service = Elsevier
Comprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals, providing full text for 550 journals indexed in SPORTDiscus. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the SPORTDiscus index - with no embargo. With full-text coverage dating back to 1985, SPORTDiscus with Full Text is the definitive research tool for all areas of sports & sports medicine literature. (Some full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
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