The world's largest academic multi-disciplinary database, Academic Search Premier provides full text for nearly 4,500 journals, including full text for more than 3,600 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for 1,000 titles. This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost. (Some full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
AIAA is the premier provider of information on aerospace technology, engineering, and science. This free database provides citations to two categories of sources: articles/chapters/paper as well as books/conferences/standards. We do not have access to the full text for these sources. Do not pay for articles! Instead, use Google Scholar or Interlibrary loan for full text. (No full text: Citation/abstract only)
Service = American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 384,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,700 records. (Some full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 challenged our Nation to grow our technical and scientific abilities in air and space. Since the 1970s, numerous economic reports and articles have demonstrated that NASA investments help grow the US economy. Perhaps most importantly NASA-funded R&D helped stimulate our long-term capacity for innovation and economic growth within the government, at universities, and at industrial companies. The disciplines advanced are many - including earth and space science, materials, computing and electronics, fuels, radio communications, safety, and even human health. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine
Includes two journal collections: Health & Life Sciences College Edition and Physical Sciences College Edition. Both collections contain peer-reviewed full-text scientific, technical and medical content. Some of the articles support interactive elements such as audio, video, graphs, tables and images. Some content on ScienceDirect also features embedded links to external datasets, including earth and environmental science data from PANGAEA, abstract and indexing data from Scopus and chemical reactions data from Reaxys. Also included are pre-publication articles and open access content from Elsevier journals and their society partners. (Some full text)
Service = Elsevier
Content contained in the database will be derived from the full set of small engine repair manuals from Clymer ( Clymer repair manuals provide step-by-step procedures based upon the complete disassembly of the machine. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = EBSCOadmin (databases)
Wiley Online Library hosts a multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers integrated access to over 4 million articles from 1500 journals, almost 10,000 online books, and hundreds of reference works, laboratory protocols and databases. (Some full text)
Service = Wiley
...multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. -- copied from publisher's site (Full text)
Service = EBSCO Ebooks
To find full text, we recommend choosing "go back to the old experience" at the top and uncheck "Include Preview-Only content".
Online book collection which includes online access to more than 25,000 titles comprised of 13 subject collections:Architecture and Design, Behavioral Sciences, Biomedical & Life Sciences, Business & Economics, Chemistry & Material Sciences, Computer Science, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences & Law, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Physics & Astronomy, Professional & Applied ComputingThe books are searchable and can be accessed in pdf and html data formats. Reproductions can be purchased by students at a reasonable price. The collection is developed to support the scientific and academic researcher. (Some full text)
Service = Springer
All titles have unlimited access for CARLI members and may be used as course materials or for course reserves. Direct links may be embedded into course management systems.
Titles purchased in perpetuity in July 2021 may be used to fulfill interlibrary loan requests; however, until that time, members may not use these titles to fulfill interlibrary loan requests.
Academic ebooks through Wiley provided by CARLI. (Full text)
Service = Wiley
Biology Subject Guiderelated guides: chemistry, related guides: ecology & environmental science, related guides: engineering, subject guides, related guides: primary sources: sciences, related guides: healthComputer Science Subject Guiderelated guides: engineering, subject guides, related guides: primary sources: sciencesPrimary Sources: Sciences Subject Guiderelated guides: biology, related guides: chemistry, related guides: computer science, related guides: earth and space sciences, related guides: ecology & environmental science, related guides: engineering, related guides: mathematics, related guides: nursing, subject guides, related guides: communication