CHEM 495: Chemistry Seminar

Secondary sources | Primary sources | Getting articles

Pre-session survey of experience with database
Post-session feedback

Need ideas for a research topic? Consider:

Secondary Sources

Consult science news sources:

Get inspired by history:

Need background info? Try Credo Reference or this free website,


Browse these call number sections on the 3rd-Floor:

Search for ebooks in Ebook Central (Proquest) .

Chemical Reviews

  1. Start in American Chemical Society

  2. Limit your results to the journal title "Chemical Reviews"

Primary Sources

Getting articles
  1. DON'T PAY for articles!
  2. Check Journal Search to see if we have print or full text for the article you want in one of our library databases
  3. Check Google Scholar to see if a free version is available online.
  4. Use Interlibrary Loan to make a request for articles from journals that ONU doesn't own. Provide your name, email, and complete citation

This web page was created by Jasmine Cieszynski, Instructional Services. The content of the page was updated by Jasmine Cieszynski, Instructional Services, on 4/18/2023. Code was updated on 7/18/2024.