Open Source Software (OSS)

The Benner Library and Resource Center at Olivet Nazarene University has had an open source software program since 1996 (noted in 2002 by American Libraries), starting with an early version of ILL Wizard based on OCLC's ILL PRISM Transfer (IPT) technology, published in the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Supply in 1997. An upgraded Java applet version appeared in a 1999 issue of the same journal, the reprogrammed software based on OCLC's Direct Request ILL functions using the ISO 10161 protocol.

Many other open source programs that run critical functions of the library have been programmed by Informatics' computer science students as work-made-for-hire efforts, the beginning of which are mentioned here. More will be posted soon.

For more information about ONU's Open Source Program, contact the Informatics Librarian and OSS Team Leader.

Retired Software

The following programs are no longer being utilized by Benner library. Please feel free to contact the Informatics Librarian with any questions.

ILL Wizard 1.0

ILLWizard 1.0 is an ISO-10161-compliant, Direct-Request-compatible ILL Web form that is easily customizable by non-technical librarians. The Java applet can be customized by changing the program parameters in the html file.

WARP 1.0

The Web Access Reserve Program is a Perl script that will organize electronic reserve files by professor name and class number, and make uploading files to the web server a click and drag operation.

Web Email Sender 1.0

The Web Email Sender program is a ColdFusion script that will enable you to remove all the email addresses (mailto's) from your Web site and put them in a database, thereby removing them from sight and from the reach of spammers.

DCOD - Dynamic Content on Demand

Dynamic Content on Demand (DCOD) is a bookmarking and a mini content management system that is a php web-based system. This program automatically populates categorized bookmarks or FAQ content onto a specified webpage.