Emergency eResource Login

Option 3: If you are on this page, you may be experiencing an authentication issue. These links can be used outside of our normal authentication services by entering the special Option 3 username or password (which will change periodically).
Please note that passwords are case sensitive. Please return to the regular library website as soon as the issue is resolved.
If you cannot access the username or password using the previous link, please contact the INFO desk at (815) 939-5355 or any of the contacts on the outage page.
EBSCO databases
EBSCO Host (All EBSCO databases)
- Academic Search Complete
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
- Business Source Ultimate
- CINAHL Complete
- Communication Source
- Criminal Justice Abstracts
- Education Source
- GeoRef
- MAS Complete
- MasterFILE Complete
- Medline Ultimate
- MLA International Bibliography with Full Text
- Political Science Complete
- Sociology Source Ultimate
- SPORTDiscus with Full Text
ProQuest databases
ProQuest Databases (All ProQuest databases)
Need access credentials?
(Do not be alarmed if you are on campus and it does not prompt you for a username/password, as long as it works!)
Other helpful links:
Library Catalog
Illinois Catalog (I-Share)
World Catalog (WorldCat)
Journal Search
Nursing Students
If you have already registered with UpToDate, it should still work. You can use the device that you installed the app on or go to https://www.uptodate.com/ and use the credentials you registered with. If you did not register and need access you can get special access through this username or password (which will change periodically).