Statista Links
See a list of
Statista Resources.
Build a Statista permanent link:
- Navigate to the desired link.
- Find the link in a box labeled "URL TO BE USED AS REFERENCE LINK:" toward the bottom of the article, and copy the link.
- OR click on the bluish-gray Citation button to the right of the displayed chart/graph.
Highlight and copy the url at the end of the citation after "Retrieved Month, date, year, from" to your clipboard.
- Paste the url into one of the following link generators:
- Open Athens Link Generator (ONU) - This is for Olivet Nazarene University constituents
- Open Athens Link Generator for any organization - Select your participating organization from this link
- It will generate a link below automatically on that page. Copy and use that link.
Contact the eresource team with any questions or issues.