Fantasy Fiction

Title Author Call Number
The Black Cauldron (Chronicles of Prydain #3) Lloyd Alexander jFic AL27bL
The Book of Three (Chronicles of Prydain #1) Llyod Alexander jFic AL27b 1999
The Other Wind (Earthsea Cycle #6) Ursula Le Guin jFic L527o
Tehanu (Earthsea Cycle #4) Ursula Le Guin jFic L527e
The Farthest Shore (Earthsea Cycle #3) Ursula Le Guin jFic L527f
A Wizard of Earthsea (Earthsea Cycle #1) Ursula Le Guin jFic L527w
The King of Attolia (The Queen's Thief #3) Megan Whalen Turner jFic T855k
The Thief (The Queen's Thief #1) Megan Whalen Turner jFic T855t
Tales from Earthsea Ursula Le Guin jFic L527ta
Fantastic tales: Visionary and Everyday Italo Calvino 808.838 F217c
The Castle of Llyr (Chronicles of Prydain #3) Lloyd Alexander jFic AL27ca
The Wizard of Oz Frank Baum jFic B3271w
The Twenty-One Balloons William Pene Du Bois jFic D852t 1975
The Tombs of Atuan (Earthsea Cycle #2) Ursula Le Guin jFic L527t
The City of Ember Jeanne DuPrau jFic D928ci
The Queen of Attolia (The Queen's Thief #2) Megan Whalen Turner jFic T855q
The Silmarillion J.R.R. Tolkien 823.912 T577si
The Ropemaker Peter Dickinson jFic D56r
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe C. S. Lewis jFic L585L-b 2000
Siege and Storm Leigh Bardugo jFic G887b, bk.2
Keeper of the Lost Cities Shannon Messenger jFic M562k, bk.1
Embers Ronie Kendig jFic K341e
Ella Enchanted Gail Carson Levine jFic L578e
Divine Rivals Rebecca Ross Boundless
Shadow and Bone Leigh Bardugo jFic G887b, bk.1